Terms & Conditions

§1 General

The provisions of these GTC are binding for all users/visitors of AER Stretching GmbH. By entering any studio, every user/visitor also submits to the special provisions of the user regulations as well as all instructions of the studio staff serving operational safety. Users/visitors who disregard the provisions set out here may be temporarily or permanently denied access to the facilities of AER Stretching GmbH.

§2 Authorization of Use

Use of the studio and its facilities is subject to a charge. Only persons who have duly registered and paid are authorized to use the studio. Persons under the influence of intoxicating substances are prohibited from entering the studio and using the facilities. Children and young people may only use the facilities without supervision with the written consent of a parent or guardian.

§3 Course Booking/Cancellation/Cancellation of Courses

Booking/reservation of courses is only possible via our website at https://aerstretching.com/ and via our official Aer Stretching “ClassPass” portal, and only against advance payment. Attending some courses requires prior knowledge, information about which is provided on our website.

Booked courses can be canceled free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the course. Cancellations can be made via our website booking window or through any applicable third-party site from which the booking was made. In this case, payments will be refunded to the original means of payment. If the cancellation is made less than 24 hours before the start of the course, course fees will only be refunded upon presentation of a medical certificate. In all other cases that do not fall within the studio’s sphere of risk, refunds are excluded.

If a course is canceled by AER Stretching GmbH, any course fees already paid will be refunded in full. Any additional expenses incurred by a participant in connection with the canceled course (e.g., costs for travel and accommodation) will not be reimbursed. AER Stretching GmbH will inform participants of the cancellation immediately, usually no later than 4 hours before the start of the course, by email and text message – provided a valid mobile phone number is stored in the user profile – if the reason for the cancellation is within the control of AER Stretching GmbH. Cancellations at short notice due to illness or force majeure remain unaffected.

AER Stretching GmbH reserves the right to reduce its course offerings during public holidays or holiday periods or to close the studio temporarily. In the event of such closures, all bookings made during that period will be refunded in full.

§4 Charges, Price Changes

The fees for the use of our offers stated on our website at the time of booking the course apply. All fees include the applicable statutory value-added tax. We offer memberships as follows:

2-session monthly membership

4-session monthly membership

8-session monthly membership

AER Stretching GmbH reserves the right to adjust its prices at any time. Users will be informed of price changes in good time, but at least four weeks in advance in writing via the general communication channels.

§5 Terms of Payment, Cancellation

Course fees are due immediately in full and without deduction at the time of course scheduling. Only timely payment in advance authorizes participation in the courses.

Payment is made online via the booking section of our website or through any applicable third-party site. Various payment options are available for this purpose, but we only accept card payments. Cash payments are not possible. Walk-in customers must pay before the start of their sessions, also using electronic payment.

The statutory cancellation rights apply. The cancellation must be made in writing. Cancellation of session packages that have already been started is excluded.

§6 Opening Hours

The opening hours can be found on our website https://aerstretching.com/ or through any applicable third-party site like Google Maps including our official social media portals. Special events or important operational reasons may result in deviations from the general operating hours and studio operations may be restricted or canceled. Changes will be announced in good time in individual cases. Users cannot derive any claims of any kind from this.

§7 Liability

All visitors intending to use our AerMethod device must sign our liability waiver prior to their session and accept our terms and conditions upon booking. All visitors use the studio and its facilities at their own risk, without prejudice to the operator’s obligation to keep the studio and its facilities in a safe condition. The operator is not liable for force majeure, coincidence, and defects that are not recognizable even when exercising the usual care. Visitors are liable for any damage they cause negligently or intentionally within the business premises. The operator accepts no liability for destruction or damage caused by third parties or for the theft or loss of items brought onto the premises, for which we provide lockers where all personal belongings must be stored. Lockers are for day-use only. Personal items must be removed by the end of the day. Any items left overnight will be removed and kept for three months. After this period, unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity. The operator and its vicarious agents shall only be liable for personal injury, property damage, or financial loss in the event of a willful or grossly negligent breach of duty. No liability is accepted for vehicles parked in the outdoor area.

§8 Behavior in the Studio

Stretching, muscle building, yoga, and any other form of physical activity are associated with the risk of injury, which in the worst case, albeit extremely unlikely, can lead to death. A minimum level of physical fitness, skills, and coordination are essential prerequisites for preventing injuries in the best possible way. Please speak to our staff if you are unsure about this. The studio area is a barefoot area. Visitors are required to remove their shoes when entering the hall. It is strictly forbidden for users to remain in the fall area. Mutual consideration is paramount. Behavior must be such that it does not endanger other users. Soft floor mats are available to soften fall impacts.

§9 Order and Hygiene

All equipment and objects must be treated with care. Contamination of the mats must be avoided. Smoking is prohibited in the entire hall area. The consumption of food is only permitted in the designated areas. Dogs are not permitted in the hall and must always be kept on a lead outside.

§10 Misuse of Welcome Bonus and Creation of Alternative Accounts

AER Stretching GmbH is committed to providing fair and equitable services to all members. We offer a Welcome bonus to new members as a gesture of goodwill. However, creating or using multiple alternative email accounts to repeatedly claim the Welcome bonus is strictly prohibited.

Any member found to be engaging in such fraudulent activity will face immediate and permanent banning from all Aer Stretching locations. This includes all membership privileges, access to facilities, and participation in any Aer Stretching programs or services.

AER Stretching GmbH reserves the right to take further legal action if necessary to protect the integrity of our promotional offers and ensure a fair experience for all members.

§11 Limitation on Set-off and Prohibition of Assignment

A contractual partner is only entitled to offset their own claims against claims of AER Stretching GmbH if their claims have been legally established, are undisputed, or have been recognized by AER Stretching GmbH. In this regard, requests can be sent to support@aerstretching.com.

Contractual partners may not assign their rights or obligations from contracts with AER Stretching GmbH without the prior written consent of AER Stretching GmbH.