A Letter from Tamara

Congratulations! You are one of the brave and curious individuals who do not shy away from the unknown and are open to embracing something new. People like you are the pioneers of progress, driving humanity forward. Some people pass by our studio and, upon seeing the machine, look with suspicion or a nervous smile. Indeed, our machine is massive and might seem intimidating. But those bold and curious souls who open the door to the world of Aer quickly discover it is one of the best decisions for those seeking to breathe new life into their body, soul, and spirit.

Don't worry, this is not a BDSM machine or an instrument of torture from the Inquisition era. While this machine has its origins in the distant Middle Ages, it was first conceived in the ancient Slavic world, where it was used to train and toughen Viking warriors. Over time, this method was forgotten, but thanks to historical literature, detailed descriptions of this machine have survived. Later, scientists brought this knowledge together, restoring and refining the machine — a unique mechanism that unlocks the human body’s incredible potential and rich capabilities.

The design of the AerMethod is based on the golden ratio. This concept, though recognized in medieval treatises, was understood by the ancient Egyptians, who used it to construct the Great Pyramids, and by the ancient Greeks in building the Parthenon. It’s no wonder that the harmony and correctness of proportions have fascinated the greatest minds of humanity for centuries. However, the idea of the "golden ratio" is most closely associated with the mathematician Fibonacci and the genius artist, sculptor, and researcher Leonardo da Vinci. The term itself, coined by da Vinci, has since been applied across all fields of human activity.

The golden ratio lies at the core of the AerMethod. This system mirrors the process of growth and development according to the laws of living nature. The design of our machine, aligned with the golden ratio, stimulates the life force within a person. This harmonious proportion also makes the machine’s form pleasing to the eye and aesthetically beautiful.

Each session on the AerMethod is built on five fundamental principles: safety, mindfulness, breathwork, concentration, and the release of physical and emotional tension.

What to Expect

While AerMethod sessions are fun and enjoyable, they are not meant for mere entertainment. We focus on long-term results, which require patience and effort. We are all familiar with muscle soreness after returning to the gym after a long break. Yet, you push through the discomfort, even pain, to continue strengthening your body, muscles, willpower, and spirit. The AerMethod requires similar willpower and patience. Your body needs to adapt to these unusual demands.

However, there is a difference between gym workouts and the AerMethod

  • Fitness machines typically focus on isolating muscle groups, whereas the AerMethod engages the entire body, activating muscles you may not even know you had, but which play a critical role in your body’s functioning.

  • Gym workouts center on physical strain, while the AerMethod offers a holistic approach.

  • Fitness demands intense effort. In contrast, the AerMethod gives you options: you can relax and let the machine work for you, meditate, focus on your breath, or choose more dynamic exercises based on your mood, fitness level, and personal needs.

  • Although the AerMethod requires less time and effort than gym workouts, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you feel the results — a healthier body, newfound strength, and the remarkable ability to tap into your internal reserves.

Tips to Maximize the Benefits

  • Gradual Progress: The familiar images of hanging by your arms or legs are just the "cherry on top." We have a vast array of combinations and exercises, and some sessions might take place lying on a mat or standing. Your readiness and requests are taken into account, and the instructor will adjust the exercises accordingly.

  • Compare Yourself Only to Yourself: If the person next to you is performing flips or hanging still for 30 minutes while you can only manage five seconds, don’t worry! This is your journey. Small steps make the path.

  • Communication with Your Instructor: Your instructor is your ally. They understand the machine from A to Z and know how the body works. Share what you experience during the session — this helps the instructor adjust the program, and you to track your progress and awareness.

  • Trust Yourself: During the session, it is important to listen to yourself. This is also an opportunity to trust your feelings and explore yourself in various situations. Every session is unique, and with each one, you will discover new knowledge about yourself and your abilities.

  • Consistency: AerMethod sessions help develop new habits. As your body releases tension, it restructures itself, and new neural connections are formed. Strengthening these connections takes time and consistency. To achieve noticeable results, we recommend practicing at least twice a week, with a 2-3 day recovery period in between.

Welcome to the world of Aer, where the extraordinary awaits you!